Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pinterest ..... is the Devil.....

Yep- that's right I said it. Pinterest is the Devil! ;)

No I'm not addicted......

I can stop anytime I want.....

hahaha! Pinterest now has one of the coveted spots on my computers "Favorites" it's kind of a big deal.

It doesn't let ya get away easily either. After ya log out-it will show ya more pictures that you might like and in order to Repin them....op gotta log back in.

Although I don't think I can really complain either- I've spent many happy hours of Bliss while on there. I've gotta so many great idea's- heard lots of wonderful quotes- and gotten lots of "Laugh out Loud" moments.

So if ya haven't been to the dark side...
you must.

just sayin. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby Crushes.....

So a bit of Nostalgia for "Nostalgia Wednesday" :)

I recently purchased a movie that I previously owned on that I haven't really been able to watch for quite a while because of that fact.

As I was watching it- I was reminded that I used to have such a huge crush on the main character of the movie and then the natural progression of my thoughts went straight to all of the other "Baby Crushes" that I had.

Yes- it was Footloose that I bought and watched. I Love Love Love this movie!!!

My dad always listened to Elvis (and still does) so I was convinced at a very early age that I was gonna marry Elvis Presley! you can probably imagine how crushed I was to learn that he had died before I was born. Still love him though!

Here's a couple more Studs!
Hahaha! Can ya blame me?! Robin Hood- Indiana Jones- Wesley- and let's not forget Danny Zuko. :) What more does a little girl need?

"Baby Crushes" of a baby girl back in the late 80's and early 90's.

Hahahaha! Gotta Love It!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

My Redwood Road Adventure

Can anybody say Redwood Road without totally sounding like a 4 year old ?
(Wedwood Woad)

Because I sure can't....

Well what a great and exciting day I had.

I was able to go and babysit some of THE coolest kids that I know. My really good friend Brandee got to go to Park City for the weekend and so I went to watch her kids for the day.

Many games of CandyLand
Yummy snacks
10 episodes of Phineas and Ferb
Toy Story
Monsters Inc.
2 naps
One culprit caught red handed....literally.
4 diaper changes
1 picnic lunch
2 Tickle Battles
Up the stairs....down the stairs....up the stairs....down the stairs....
0...thats right Zer0! Hissy fits or Meltdowns
and one delicious dinner...
I was on my way home.

On the way-I had my last adventure of the day.

Just randomly-I decided to see how far Redwood Road went. ha ha ha.
I saw many beautiful homes. Utah Lake. And pretty much a view of the entire valley. Point of the Mountain to the "Y" to the Spanish Fork windmills to West Mountain on the opposite end of the county. Mountain to Mountain and everything in between. Breathtaking!!
So as I'm driving down this road---I start to get out to a lot of ranching community. Out in the Boonies-fo sho C;
It's starting to get dark outside.
I keep on driving---
somethings gonna start looking familiar here soon right?



However- after living in Utah for about 6 years now...I've heard about a couple of small communities that are in the's that I'd ONLY heard about-never been to- never seen...
You bet I found every single one of them on this excursion.

Half way to totally being lost by this point-I start trying to make my way towards where I think I wanna be going...finally I hit Santaquin. I overshot a little bit-but here was familiar territory
...during the day at least...
at night though....
just stick to the Main Street-it will take ya right to the freeway. Straight shot home from there...
until there were police cars, ambulences, and fire trucks at the last intersection before the freeway...and they weren't letting ANYBODY through. After driving around the block 5 times trying to possibly come out somewhere near the freeway---no chance.
So I go find Center Street and decide to just head North and just Hope.

Pitch dark outside- can't see anything.

Got just a little prayer in my heart that this would work and a "promise" to NEVER EVER do this again. ;)

not two seconds later I come out of a grove of trees- I look out my side window and see a church. The Hope Baptist church.

"That sorta looks familiar...."

up ahead I see a whole bunch of lights in a field.
passing by- It's the Cornmaze.

just a little bit further....
"That's My Gas Station!!!!!"


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just having some good time paparazzi fun!

So this doesn't quite have much to do with the Photo Challenge...per say... but here are some photo's that I decided to dink around with!

P.S. Photoshop is Awesome!!! :)





Before.... ain't she a cutie !

After!!!!!! yep...still a cutie !

I think I found a new hobby!!!! :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011


And so begins one of my favorite months of the year.



AuTuMN TiMe BabY!!!

So in effort to well as to ensure that I'm actually updating this blog more often... :)

Here comes another picture challenge.

30 things I love about Fall!!


Cooler Temperatures!!
Yes Please and Thank You!

ya like that huh?

Not too Cold---Not too Hot--- light jackets and pull on the cute scarves-Good To Go! :)