Wednesday, March 21, 2012

30 Things Challenge (#2)

Describe 2 legitimate fears that I have--and how they became my fears.

That milisecond when you know that you're gonna die because you tipped just a little too far back on your chair.
Fear of Falling.

After living in Northern Utah for almost 7 years now--- I'm still terrified of driving in the snow at night.
Actually-just driving in snow *in general*
I've seen soooo many accidents and I've watched many slide off's first hand- I'm so so scared of it happening to me.

Friday, March 9, 2012

30 Things Challenge (#1)

So I was poking around Pinterest the other day... not suprising...
and I came across this list for a '30 challenge' ... my favorite things...
And here I be--ready to start up another one. Enjoy!

Question #1
20 Random Things About Myself...

*I like soup spoons---if theres a choice between using a soup spoon or a regular spoon.... SOUP WINS EVERY TIME!!

*When I'm stressed out about something- I craft... be it just coloring in a book or full on Gun-Ho scrapbooking-crafting is crafting and it's my therapy.

*I Love to Read...and I have about a list of 20 books waiting to be opened and read.

*The last time I laughed out loud- I totally fell to the floor cause I was laughing so hard.

*The last time I cried was two days ago...not ready to go into why yet...that story is for another day.
But I felt better after wards (:

seriously? 20 ?!?!

*I've been a Brunette, a Blonde, and a Red Head. My natural hair color is dish water you see why it's changed so much (:

*I totally think out loud.... all the time!

*I love sleeping on my stomach.

*I grew up in the house that my Great Grandpa and Dad built.

*In High School- I played Softball-was a Cheerleader-and in the the Choir.

Half Way!!!

*My favorite color is Yellow

*I think Pop Tarts are one of the most incredible things in the world.

*I'm the youngest of 4 kids. I have one brother and two sisters. Yay Caboose!

*If listening in on someone elses conversation--I'll totally give my opinion to them in my mind. (:

*I drive a Red Honda Civic that I've had since I learned to drive...and her name is Roxy


* "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." did anybody else just about start to sing the rest of the song...?

*I can play the piano and the organ

*I can curl my tongue

*If I were to hear an N*Sync or BackStreet Boys song right now--I'd still know every single word of the song. They're ingrained in my brain for life!

*Contrary to popular belief---I really did know 'everything' when I was 17..but as soon as I turned 19 it all went away.

WAHOO! I made it to the last one!

But I can't think of anything!

Awe Shoot!


*Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because you sneezed in your sleep?

ya know how hard it is to think of 20 things?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Had No Idea!!!

So I've kinda decided that I sometimes have pretty random thoughts and questions....

Took me long enough to figure that out (;

Anyway- Since time is kind of hard to come by these days and I'm not able to blog quite as often as I would like---
Here's how I'm getting back into it...

Random Google and Bing searches!!

By typing in just a few words into the search box---it's amazing what kind of stuff you can find out about.

For instance...

Steven Spielberg has won three Oscars for "Schindlers List" and "Saving Private Ryan"

Richard Simmons is actually 66 years old

Scarlet Fever comes from the same bacteria as Strep Throat

Had No Idea!! till I Googled It!