Monday, January 31, 2011

Forgot about Birthday Week (4)

So----my birthday was this past week. Nuf said right?


So I was good pretty much the whole week -knowing that I was probably gonna blow it on my birthday. I worked-out every single day for about a combined hour. I ate what I was supposed to...even with the delicious looking chocolate chip cookies that my bishop brought over during his visit... Drank gallons and gallons of water etc...

Here comes Thursday... THE DAY!

And boy was it great!! I had Denny's, Olive Garden, cake, soda, you name it- and boy was it great!!! Thanks Regina!!!! C:

So then the next day- I've still got all of these left over's from the restraunts that we hit...gotta get rid of those----so I ate them on Friday. And went to the movies with Brandee where we both got some good lookin nachos C: That makes two BLOWIT days. So I workout like a horse so it doesn't have too much of a chance to hit hard.

Saturday - I "kinda" jumped right back on after a quick little lunch trip to the Pizza Factory with my sister. C:

Sunday was a lot easier because I actually had to go to work for most of the day. So I decided to jump on the scale this morning and......

WHAT?!?! I actually lost 2 pounds!!! C: YAY!!!

Shoot I would have been happy just to not gain anything---but to loose??? That's a complete and utter miracle right there. C:

So what I learned this week is-- You can be allowed to "BLOWIT" but gotta keep up a pace. If I go out to eat - I don't gotta eat the whole thing then and there. I'm allowed to have the things that I like--but not all the time. I can make due with every once in a while. C:

I'd like to just give a Thanks! shout out to all of my good friends and family who really made this past week such an incredibly fun week for me!! Birthdays freaking ROCK!!! Thanks everybody!!! C: LOVE YOU!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week 3 With a Bang!!!

Alrighty folks!

So I got a new battery in the scale so it should be good to go for a while now.

My workouts kinda were few and far between last week just cause school and work were totally taking over my life. So I maybe only got to work out maybe twice last week.

But I did keep close tabs on what I was eating and drinking. And so I was feeling pretty good over all.

And in the last two weeks....

Lost 4 lbs :)

I'm pretty happy with it- but now that life is kinda slowing down just an inch I'm looking forward to having more time to do what needs to be done and I'm hoping that good numbers keep coming C:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Titanic inspired UpDo

Oh my gosh- so far this group was the funnest to work with C: Here are my pictures-

It's kind of unfortunate that I stink at the game of taking pictures of myself- but believe me the back on my hair looked great ! C: It was in a nice and curly bun and they stuck a flower in on the side. It looked wonderful. Maybe when we get our "Professionals" back in -I'll put those up C:

This week at school : Breakfast at Tiffanys

Hahaha! This week at school was a total blast--and next week promises to be way fun too. We all got separated into groups of 4 or 5 and everyone was assigned a 20th century decade to work on and research. But then we have to add in a Movie inspiration. My group got the 1920s so we are gonna run with "The Great Gatsby" We have to do up a hairdo for long hair and then for short hair. Of Course
the 1920s were chalk full of bobbed hair so the short hairdo will be a snap but as for the long hair--we are still working on that C:

But the fun part for me is that I'm one of 4 other girls who still have their long hair at school...(it's been kinda tough for me to not chop my hair cause there are sooooo many adorable short hair cuts running around right now.) Anyway- I get to be kind of shuffled around to other groups so they can have their "Long Hair Experimentation" So I've had my hair all done up all week---- It's been awesome!!!
Here are a couple of pics that I've taken myself of some of the work that has been done on my locks this week C:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Water vs. Soda... The Match of the Century

So everyone who knows me-knows that pretty much I've loved soda for as long as I've had taste buds. Pretty long time. And my goodness-- weening myself off of soda for this diet has been so hard. Not to mention- on my list of favored drinks- water totally lands at the bottom every time. Sad but true.

So on this particular quest to stamp out the lovely goodness that is soda and replace it with blaa water--- I've gone out to find some "help outs" C: hahaha! What I've found has been helpful indeed.

Just Do It! When it comes right down to it- that's all it really takes. Just buckling down and getting it over with. Drink those 64 ounces of water down everyday.

No matter how much I feel like I might just float away---In reality I know that's impossible. C:

Straws are a beautiful thing. Makes the gulping down much less painful C:

Made myself a really cute looking water bottle so it at least looks good.

Turns out Flavored waters sorta count!!! YAY!!!!!

Go figure-- I feel a lot more energized and healthier when I drink enough water.

And if I must indulge and float away in the fizz---let me go down by Diet Dr. Pepper.

Ding Ding Ding!! Water vs. Soda .... Let's get ready to Rumble!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Uhhhhh....week 2 ???

Soo.... Week 2 and I already was slacking off a bit. Not having as much time to work out - not keeping such close tabs on the food etc.... So I wasn't feeling too confident about weighing in and getting too great of a result.
Basically I hit a slight glitch??

But redemption is mine--- my scale's battery died. Therefore - no weigh in :)

So I'm completely relieved that really I'm getting a second chance at this. A Do-Over of sorts and I'm for sure gonna take advantage!

Hopping back on the wagon now- super duper glued to it :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

WaHooo! OnE WeeK DoWn!!

Well made it through the first week of this new diet. And it's been great! I feel Great! Totally have gone cold turkey off soda and most sugars. I've really only had water to drink. Lots more meats and vegetables. Watching the carbs and calories.

Seriously I feel great! I feel like I have so much more energy. And I feel just so much more healthy...

And only after a week C:

Have I mentioned that I feel great!? C:

Oh yeah--ya probably wanna know a result????

Loss of 6 lbs. C:

WaHooo! OnE WeeK DoWn!! Look at me go! C:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

This Is It!!! for real this time..... no really.

So many people ring in the new year with resolutions....and let's be honest- most the time they turn into "revolutions" ... by about March or April- these goals have pretty much been forgotten and we are right back where we started...until the next January. C: I've fallen into this cycle many times. I found it easy because I never really told anybody of my resolutions- so I didn't have anybody to really answer to. Pretty easy to forget all about them by March or April.


I'm here- and I'm laying it all out on the table to anyone who's listening!

Gosh darn it!- I'm gonna lose weight this year!!!!!
There I said it.

It's been a while since I've even stepped on a scale. Probably because it was just easier not knowing the reality. But I ain't gonna run from it anymore. I walk upstairs and into the bathroom. I kick off my shoes and then I start to feel a little nervous. Honestly this object is nothing but some plastic and metal---yet what it's about to tell me has the potential to either make or brake it. Plenty of others before me have faultered because of this contraption....but here I go. 245. Whew! It sure was easy to get there- it's probably gonna be a heck of a time getting away from it- but you know what- I'm so ready to. This Is It!!! for real this really.

Will keep ya updated weekly. Watch me go! C: