Thursday, March 31, 2011

DAY 31 LAST ONE!! : A picture of someone you miss

This awesome chick right here. LyNdA!!! She just got finished serving her mission and I haven't been able to see her yet. I can barely stand it I'm so excited to see her. C:
She's been one of my greatest friends since....well forever. C: We grew up just down the road from each other.

Can't wait to see ya Girl!! C:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

DAY 30: A picture of something that made ya stop and think today

K- So while at work today I had a gal come in with her little boy to shop. Rambunctious little fella he most little boys are. C: Anyway- when she turns her back this little kid bolts out of the store as fast as his legs can carry him. And the mom dropped the first and middle she ran out to chase him

"Brandon Marlo!"

I totally stopped what I was doing and I had to repeat it to myself and think for a split second. I wonder where a name like that could have come from.....

hmm.... I wonder.....

just by switching the 'N' .... tricky C:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

DAY 26: A picture of something you fear

I kinda have this weird fear of falling....not any typical kind of falling like say off a cliff or something (I never get close enough to that :P ) But I'm scared of slipping and falling.
I seem to be the only person on the planet that is afraid of this.
Hahaha! You know those kind of dreams that you have that you jolt awake from...usually it's that falling off a cliff dream....for everyone else.
....nope- in that dream I'm walking normal but all of a sudden I slip on a mud puddle and start falling backwards.
Inception calls this "The Kick"

Friday, March 25, 2011

DAY 25 : If I were to have an Album......... Umm...see for yourself. :)

1.)Go to Wikipedia and hit "Random". The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band. ** Contemplative Outreach**

2.) Go to and hit "Random". The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album. **don't think you're having enough**

3.) Go to Flickr and click on "Explore the Last Seven Days”. The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4.) Use Photoshop or similar (even Paint works) to put it all together.

Can I just mention how glad I am that this picture was the third don't even wanna know what the 2nd and 4th one's looked like. Phew!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

DAY 24 - A picture of your favorite book.

PsH! How am I to choose just one.... I mean really...

So I guess that these would be favorites for sure because I've read them Soooooo many times. That counts.

There ya go C:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nostalgic Wednesday!!

Boy- I've been in an extreme state lately. I honestly think that it's because of the weather and time of year. ??? Back home- about now -- It's starting to get warmer. Things are starting to turn green. And you can start doing things outside again. So I think that because it's sorta starting to get that kind of nice outside- I'm starting to reminisce about longer days and simpler times.

So here ya go. This chick right here.
My neice Alyssa.

This gal was the first grandkid on both sides and was the only one for about three years. So she was totally our ginea-pig C: . Many Many fun times I've had with this girl...who grew up more like a little sister rather than a neice to me. She's always been slightly at my heels. With her about to graduate from high school...good grief... I guess I've all of sudden realized how time has seriously flown by. Soon she and I will be kind of in the same time of life. There ain't no way she's about to become a young adult- no way we've both gotten there.
I seems like just yesterday- she and I were jamming out to NSYNC....hahaha! K-that was actually just last week C: when this whole nostalgia stuff started. It was great that both of us still remembered every single word to every single song...meanwhile Emily was sitting in the backseat trying to look like she didn't know us. C: She barely missed the NSYNC/Backstreet Boys train.

I remember when Alyssa would come and spend the night at our house every Friday when she was around 3 years old and they lived in Las Vegas. We'd play and stay up late on Friday- be on each others nerves by Saturday afternoon- but then crying as we had to say goodbye when she went home. Even though we'd most likely see each other within the next few days...and the cycle would repeat. C:

For some reason that we still don't know--she would call me Tia instead of Katie.

When she got older and the family moved to Utah- she would get to come out to the ranch for a few weeks during the summer. You can bet- we played hard! We'd go swimming at "Secret Place" every day. Running through the sprinklers playing our made up games. Trips up to R Place for drinks and ice cream. Sleeping outside on the trampoline...K-let's be honest-there'd never be any kind of sleeping being done on that trampoline...We'd usually get scared from the night time noises after 10 minutes and we were back inside the house in 2 seconds flat.

We did it all!

Since she's grown up a bit- one memory that is fresh in my mind- her Grandpa Anhder taking her out to learn how to drive - they'd go up and down Richardville Road for about a good solid hour in my moms Cruiser.

Looking back- it's been such a fun time getting to where we are now and I so look forward to some more good times. She's become such a wonderful young women with an awesome future in whatever she chooses to do. The sky's the limit!! I'm so completely proud of the person that she's become and who she chooses to be. I just love her to death!! C:

Day 23: Pictures from your last vacation


The Happiest Place on Earth C:

Monday, March 21, 2011

DAY 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity. Day 19- A picture of a letter. Day 20- a picture of a place that you'd love to travel. Day 21- A picture of something you wish you were good at. ---- Boy I'm kinda loosing at this game :?

DAY 18

Can ya blame me C; hahaha! No these aren't really my feet-but I do have to say that they probably are my biggest insecurity. I can be grateful for them but I don't have to like them right? Hahaha-If I didn't wear flip flops everday- they'd be fine.

DAY 19

DAY 20
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS especially during the Fall Season

DAY 21
I wish I could speak another language

Remember these guys??

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Pretty sure I'm about to wet my pants from laughing so hard

Thursday, March 17, 2011

DAY 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

Gotta be Institute. C:
Tuesdays and Thursdays you can bet I'm there at 7 in the morning
...impacting my sleep and the rest of my day since August 2010 :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

DAY 16 - A picture of yourself and a family member.

K- Emily said that she wanted to do a funny face picture - but totally at the last second she smiled. So I guess I'm the funny face fool here C:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nostalgia to the extreme!!!

Oh boy! So at work today- I caught that bug. Nostalgia!!!

Hahaha! Every once in a while it hits. C:

Can't get anymore Nostalgic than this for me.

N'Sync - Tearin Up My Heart
--Love how they put up two fingers to interate "too"

My Boy Band. 5 twenty-somethings singing to my young tween heart alone. Some bowl cuts and some platinum blonde hair. You best believe that I listened to these guys pretty much every single day and you can bet--I still remember every single word to every single song.
<3 <3 <3 (sigh) <3 <3 <3

DAY 15 - A picture of someone who inspires you.

That would be my Brandee!!! She's so freekin awesome! I just love her to death- I love that I can go and visit her and I always leave feeling uplifted and Inspired . She makes me want to be a better person and she's definitely on my dearest dearest friends list. :)

Hahaha! I had a hard time actually finding a picture that I have of her and I didn't really feel like stalking her Facebook page. So I was mighty excited when I remembered that I had ONE picture and ONE picture only. So this is a pic that I snapped from her Baby Shower last summer. C:

So Fetching Cute!!! C:

DAY 14 - A picture of something you love.

Oops! A day behind....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

DAY 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Seriously- If I had to put down any or all of my favorites..I'd be here for hours. So...... here are the CD's that are set up in my car's CD Player.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

DAY 12 - Pictures of your day

Still trying to get the darn thing open- I'd sure like to be able to breathe again today.

Hit up Old Navy for some awesome sales

Hahaha! Notice I'm wearing 2 pairs C:

Then to Krispy Kreme for some awesome Yum Yums C;

We'd make the best lookin' employee's C:

Then it was Movie Time

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to work I go! Later today I did indeed have to go to work

Friday, March 11, 2011

DAY 11 - A picture of your night.

Oh really ?

Fighting off the cold

Can never get these darn things to open

Boy- I'm feeling good now!!! Wiiiiiiidde Awake.

And----Crash. C:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

DAY 10 - A picture of a person who is famous that you wish you could date/marry.

Oh good BaGee's!

K- so I often joke about this. "He's gonna be my third husband" which automatically is bounced back with "Well- who are your first two." Hahaha! Here we go. And honestly- there's really no particular order or reason to it :) Just to be funny. I guess that I'm up to 4 now. Hahaha! I need to get a life C:

Hmm... interesting how they are all musicians. Go figure.