Tuesday, March 15, 2011

DAY 15 - A picture of someone who inspires you.

That would be my Brandee!!! She's so freekin awesome! I just love her to death- I love that I can go and visit her and I always leave feeling uplifted and Inspired . She makes me want to be a better person and she's definitely on my dearest dearest friends list. :)

Hahaha! I had a hard time actually finding a picture that I have of her and I didn't really feel like stalking her Facebook page. So I was mighty excited when I remembered that I had ONE picture and ONE picture only. So this is a pic that I snapped from her Baby Shower last summer. C:

So Fetching Cute!!! C:

1 comment:

  1. AAAWWWW I love you too! I don't even know what to say right now :):):) Your are my bestie and YOU amaze ME!!!
