Monday, February 28, 2011

30 Day Picture challenge.

So one of my gal pals on Facebook is doing a 30 day picture challenge. Everyday she posts a new picture of something that answers a question. Anyway- I think it looks like a ton of fun and pretty sure I wanna do it too :) So I've saved about 30 draft posts with the questions all ready to go.

I'm gonna start it tomorrow--- I might go with 31 days since March happens to be one of those longer months :) haven't decided yet.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

hahaha! Another Flashback

My awesome sister sent me this on facebook. Now I used to LOVE these videos.... I mean LOVE!! I'm pretty sure that I would watch them over and over and over aaaannnnnndddddd over again when I was a kid. So I watch this through and yep sure enough- I still remember all the songs...without the words being displayed at the bottom of the screen C:

Sure makes me wanna go to DisneyLand too!!!

One year later--- Just a little mini flashback. Come with me :)

So I was going through some of my old Facebook pictures. And I come to these one's

These were taken a year ago- At Regina and Jared's birthday party. And here earlier this week we all got together and celebrated their birthdays again.

Good Grief time flys by so fast.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring Tease...

Well- quite honestly there's really no such thing as "Spring" here in these parts. Winter just kind of keeps on going until about May then there's a couple weeks of Spring - then BAM!! Summertime.

But this year- it's been such a great winter. It hasn't snowed every other day and it actually didn't start till about Christmas time. So I feel like I got enough beautiful Autumn and now I've so far had a pretty fair Winter.

And then last week happened. High's around 50 degrees- sunny weather- and the best of all... FLiP FLoPs all around. Oh how I loved it!!! Lovely Lovely Lovely!! (sigh)

Yes- it's still February though and sure enough it snowed this weekend. But this little teaser I think is enough to get me though a little bit more of winter. C:

Spring Teaser--- I sure did enjoy having you for the week. Please come back and feel free to visit anytime between now and June- I think you'll find yourself very much appreciated by all those invovled :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lessons ReLearned...(looking up toward the sky) THANKS!!!

So nothing really really super fantastic actually happened this week I but I've just been very exceptionally happy this week. Guess sometimes ya don't need a reason to be happy-maybe ya can just be happy just because ya don't feel ownry or sad. Hmm...not that I'm prone to mostly be ownry or sad all the time (:

I don't know--this week has just felt different.

I sat down today really trying to come up with a few reasons for the why---cause I'd sure like to keep it going as long as I can.

I kind of had my little "Ah-ha" moment at the beginning of the week. I guess I should actually call it a "Ka-Duh" moment cause yes it's a lesson that has already been learned in the past but I guess maybe I just needed to hear it again. So here's a little bit of a back story. One of my co-workers I gotta be honest- I've had a little bit of a hard time with. It's not like we haven't really gotten along- we just haven't been the greatest of friends. I don't really have the same friendship with her that I do with the other people that I work with. And I've seriously lost sleep over this cause I've been sure that she just didn't like me at all. I felt that I was really really trying my hardest to be friendly and nice to her and all I was getting back in return was the cold shoulder. It's bothered me that I couldn't find any kind of reason for it all. So anyway- on Monday I decided that really enough was enough--no there wasn't a single bit of confrontation--I simply didn't go out of my way to be as friendly as usual...Ok-I pretty much ignored. And ya know- at the time it really kinda felt good. I know that sounds horrible-but it kinda made me feel a little bit better to just be able to pretend that it didn't bother me in the least. That I was able to give back what I got. Afterward though- it didn't feel so hot. And here's the clincher- not at all very Christlike.

When did I decide that I could have unkind intentions towards someone else? When did I decide to be the judge? I may not have said anything out loud- but in my mind those things were being said and Silence spoke everything out loud for me. What was I doing?

Lessons ReLearned :
NUMBER ONE-I realize that the real me is just not a person who can consciously be mean to someone else- I have to do it by accidental lapse of judgement and lack of intelligence.

NUMBER TWO-Nephi is right again!! :) "he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another." He's a rotten fella that Satan is. The little sneak got right in when I wasn't really looking or paying attention.

NUMBER THREE- And not everyone has to like me. Kind of unfortunately in this world-it's not a rule it's an option. So I can't make them do it. And nobody should really be looked down upon for having an opinion---even if it is misunderstood by some, everyone is allowed to have one. Huge weight off my shoulders when I remembered this lesson. I no longer have to worry about it and stress about it and think about it more often than not. It shouldn't even be a blip on my radar screen. As long as I know that I'm doing everything that I can to really do my personal best- that's all that really matters in the end.

So yes- some lessons have to be constantly relearned while we are here. Hopefully nothing too damaging happens while we are working through them and we can come out unscathed. With a new aspiration to be better and do better.

I guess that might be something really really super fantastic aye? :)

(looking up toward the sky) THANKS!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

cardigan background

I think this new background kinda makes my blog look like it's wearing a cardigan????

hahaha- just a random thought :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Awe Valentines

I Wuv You!
I will Always Wuv You!
Even if you UnWuv Me-
I will never UnWuv You!

Precious really :)

So this month - I decided to bring in Valentines Day with a different attitude. Still aware of my "singleness" but I don't wanna brag ;) Let's be honest- you don't gotta have a "signif" in order to enjoy V-Day....I'm sure they're great to have but I can't say that I know from experience. And I don't think that Valentines Day was made to only show love to one other person in your life---but to everyone in your life. One of my favorite memories of love came in a cute little stuffed animal all tied up with balloon strings that my mom had delivered while I was sitting with my 3rd grade class way back in the 90s :P And the little "Be Happy" note that was dropped into my high school locker by one of my best friends because he knew that I was having a bad day.

So Valentines for me this year isn't about the many bombarding "Signifs" wandering around- or the flowers - or the jewelry. It's about LOVE....go figure. Think of it more as a "Show your Appreciation Day" right? There's plenty of people around to show your love and appreciation to!

You gotta tell them when you can-and mean it when you do.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What the??

Online Dating Sites

hahaha! Oh yeah- I've tried....and no...not ever again.

So lately- I've been in need of a some sort of an experiment if you will. Nothing too serious...just wanting to see. Recently - I was hooked up with a Free week from one website- so basically I decided to try it out. Had a lot of mixed feelings.

The Free Week: I maybe only spent a whole 10 minutes filling out a small questionare. And then at the end- I had to compile everything that I am and everything that I'm looking for into a 500 character "essay" And I was set to go. So I start to just kinda dink around the website trying to get a feel for it when all of a sudden I get a chat request. So I open it up and the first thing that is written (my random thoughts in BOLD---I swear I had to really push myself not to type them)
HIM "Hey! You're really cute!" Uhh....?
ME "Thank You." and the conversation continues
HIM "How are you doing today?"
ME "Good thanks. How bout you?" ????????????
HIM "Good. What are you doing right now?"
ME "Just chillin out here on the computer."
HIM "thats cool. You have a really pretty smile." Uhh....?
ME "Thank You."

the conversation continues with more small talk for probably another good 10 minutes. Honestly I'm getting slightly bored with it. Then there's a bit of silence...Oh but wait for it---here's what he said...

HIM "So what do you think of me?" Whoa! Seriously?!?!
ME " seem nice. I don't really know that much about you though."
HIM "What do you wanna know about me?"
ME "What kinda stuff do you do for fun....." But he totally interupts me mid sentence and quickly sends
HIM "Are you doing anything tonight? Wanna go out for dinner? I really wanna take you out tonight. U-SO-HOT"

Seriously by this time--I'm starting to get a bit ticked off. Guy can't even stick to a subject. Not to mention he's totally laying it on thick and nothing could possibly bug me more than that. So I say...

ME "I'm not going to go out with you tonight. I don't know you and you don't know me. It wouldn't be appropiate and I absolutely don't feel comfortable doing that."
HIM "Oh come on. I promise to be a perfect gentleman. I totally respect girls. I open the door for you-push in the chair-bring you flowers. I'm totally not one of those creepy guys."

For some reason- I'm not exactly ready to believe him. Not to mention---isn't that something that a creepy guy would say to try and make you believe that he's not a creep? Kinda reminds me of the saying "You said it-not me." He continues

HIM "I'm so attracted to you. You kinda scare me."

Dude- You Scare ME!!! A couple more clicks of the mouse---taken care of.

Whatever happened to getting to know each other first???

"The Chocolate"....oh thank goodness.

"The Chocolate" is this adorable little dessert cafe here in Orem. And let me tell you- if I could I'd live there. It's that good C:

The Kazookie would have to be hands down my favorite. Big Hot cookie + Huge scoop of Ice Cream = The Lord looking down on you and saying "You are my most wonderous creation." Yeah- it's totally that good. C:

However----- Have one all to yourself and you totally run the risk of falling off the wagon - in a big way. Not to mention the extreme sugar high you'll have to work off later.

But ya know what- dieting can't be total and complete deprivation. That's no fun and it's totally unfair. Nobody wants to do it that way.

So---- pace yourself.

And I reckon in order to go enjoy this heavenly bit of goodness every once in a while...just take 4 friends with ya and share one. Splits up the portions but still able to enjoy..... oh thank goodness.

High heels in the Super Market---try not to die out there

Well--usually a quick trip to the grocery store turns into an hour long event. Everyone is in a hurry, they gotta get to the cash register, to the cereal isle, back to the meat department etc... It occured to me- People walk around the grocery store like they are driving. They shop like they drive. With a cart-you even increase your chance of a crash. People stop right in the middle of the isle- or they are going in the "Wrong Direction"/against the main flow - ya got your texters and chatters - and my favorite pulling out of the isle and wizzing into the main flow without even looking. People drive their shopping carts like they drive their cars.

Plain and Simple.

Back to the point---
So this particular trip started out just like any other---except---I wore my high heels. Which NEVER happens!! I also happened to be wearing a cute new dress that I had resently purchased. My hair was done short- I was feeling pretty darn cute. Confidence is a great thing! Walking through the isle's of the store- back straight and head held high when I happened upon seriously one of THE cutest looking fella's ever. So you know what I do---- I smile :) and you know what he does--- he smiles back :)

Hahahaha!!! You know where this is going right?

SLIP!!! All over the place! Oops!

High Heels in the Super Market--great for a confidence boost but try not to die out there C:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oh my gosh! week 5??? Really??

Alrighty- here we are to week 5 already. Time is seriously going so fast---where the heck did January go???

So this week- I kinda felt a little back and forth. Some good days - some not so good days. I missed drinking a few waters-missed a few workouts-etc...

So I get on the scale this morning not really knowing what to really expect---hoping that I didn't gain but not exactly assuming that I lost either.


I lost 1 pound C:

And you know what- that's totally okay with me C:

BUT---- I totally don't even want to know after today. SUPER BOWL SUNDAY---and I'm pretty sure I blew it BIG!!! But I gotta say---it sure tasted good! C;

So back to it tomorrow!! C:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Something on my mind these days C:

K- so I admit that this is indeed strange...I've totally come to terms with that. BUT- It really is something that I've really wanted to do for the past few years now. And funny enough I've had a few people ask me about it. So now is the time to really really start thinking about it.

My 25th Birthday.

I know- I just got finished turning 24...I know I know I know... What the heck right?!

So I really wanna bring on 25 years with a bang!! So I do indeed plan to have a fun celebration. I've got a few idea's for "theme-age" and's all kind of scattered at the moment-but I have a whole year to bring it all together so I'm really not too worried C:

I think that I'd like to do little updates on this "SAID PARTY" here on the blog. Keep people somewhat posted on the progress and such.

So there---it's been thrown out to the universe. Now it's time to get to work C:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So my folks got me Zumba for my birthday present- and I did it for the first time tonight ... Oh My Gosh!!!

It's soooo much fun! I absolutely Love It!!
Although- Here is the before and the after :)

Pure excitement to Sheer exhaustion.

...but oh so worth it :)