Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lesson ReLearned....what? Already?!? Really?

I know right- I can usually go a bit longer without forcibly relearning something. But here's two in the same month.

Watch Me Go! :D

Okay in all honestly I really do ReLearn all this stuff practically everyday--but it's not too terribly often that it hits straight out of the park and I've just got to shout it from the hills as quickly as possible.

hahaha! could not resist :)

So here's the lesson of the day.

Crap happens-but it's usually for our good. And hopefully-it's never as bad as it really seems. Ya just gotta grin and bare it and hope that ya learn something quickly so it can be over with. :)

Luckily- nothing totally and completely terrible has happened so no worries there. Just a few little holes in the road that are kind of starting to add up to be one heck of a bumpy ride.

I know that everything will indeed work out- and that hopefully soon everything will be good and happy again. And I'll just be able to look back at this and say "Eh- that was a peice of cake."
does anybody else really wanna have a peice of this right now?

If we can just look at some of our trials from outside of ourselves- they won't seem like such a big deal. If we can just try not to think of ourselves as the victim and take a more proactive stand to the situation-there's no stopping us.

"How bad is this situation and what can I do to make it better?"

"There's gotta be a light at the end of the tunnel through the mountain--even if it feels more like a mineshaft straight down to the earths core."

"This stuff that I'm going through- there's gotta be thousands of people who have it worse than me."

And keeping in mind all of the good things in life. Loving Family and Friends. Perhaps a few luxuries that are not as easy to come by for other people. Knowing with a surity that the Lord knows what's going on...even if we don't know 100%...the comfort of knowing that someone else does is a great marvelous thing. Knowing that we've done everything in our power to make the situation better is also one of the only comforts that can be had. Leaving everything out on the table and being able to walk away knowing that there was not a single thing else that we could have done.

Things happen for a reason- and we can become better for it -- take it as a 'learnin' instead of a 'hurtin' -and just have to hope that we can come out of it relatively unscathed. :)

As the sayin goes "If you're goin through Hell-keep on goin. Don't slow down-if you're scared don't show it. Keep on movin and face that fire-walk right through it. Ya might get out 'fore the devil even knows you're there."

Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Funny!!

My friend Leslie posted a few "Boy Meets World" clips from youtube. And it reminded me how much I used to ..and still do.. LOVE this show. Re-runs are still on TV-----but they're on at 5am. Thank goodness for Youtube I guess C:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nostalgia Wednesday!!! May 27, 2005

I'm standing on the Football field looking out on an absolute mess. Chairs are screwn all over the place with what was left of an isle right down the middle. Balloons are floating and flying from the goal post and stage. Programs and other various papers on the ground. And all I wanted to do was go home and Crash!

*Back up about 12 hours.*

Graduation Day.

A compilation of 12 years leading up to this.

One final night with all of my classmates -most of whom I'd been with since Kindergarten...a few even from Mrs. Lytle's Preschool class that was held at the local Library. In the past 12 years- these people had been the most fun, the most frustrating, and the most extraordinary people. Our world had almost revovled around each other for so long-it was gonna be a little weird to not have them around every single day after this night.

A few memories that ran through my mind as I'm in the changing room with the other girls putting on our caps and gowns.

Sitting in our first period class US Government. All of us arguing our opinions and point of views. Debate got pretty heated in that classroom-sometimes I was pretty sure that some of us would leave school madder than heck at each other. But as soon as that bell would ring-all argument and disagreement was forgotten and we'd go back to talking to each other about the upcoming game-what we were gonna do that weekend-or just any goofy thing we could think up.

Those "fun" days that we would get to disect things in Science class.

4th Grade: playing soccor against the 5th graders... with our "secret" weapon Mr.J ...knowing full well that we would soon be playing against him when we moved on to be 5th graders.

Those incredibly awkward Junior High dances.

The first year of high school chillin out over at the Freshman lockers. Looking down the hall and checking out all of the older cooler students.

My first date.

Conversation on bus trips on away games.
Coming home after a big win...
coming home after a loss.

The crisp Autumn nights during the Football Season.

The FUN days of Homecoming week.

The deafening scream of the homecourt fans-young and old- in the basketball gym during the last minutes of a game. Surrounded by tons of State Champion plaques that had been collecting since the 1950s. These would be some of the last days for this gym to be used before the new gym was finished.

Christmas Breaks when we girls would get together and have a sleep over.

The warmer days of Baseball and Softball when most of us girls were hoping to get our legs as tan as our arms were.

Cheerleading...nuf said :)

50 to 100 car caravans after winning State Championships.

The Senior T (Toast....more like Roast) that we had earlier that the week with all the funny stories that were told by the parents and teachers.

This had been a very exciting and exhausting day. We had started early to get everything set up for the Graduation Ceremony. Putting up chairs and a wheeling in a hay trailer to be used as the stage. Getting programs finished and printed off. Jumping over to the last few hours left of the school day to get our final yearbooks signed and autographed :)
Now we were just minutes away from walking down the big walk. Camera flashes were going off to forever document this day for us. We were all lined up...and somehow we still managed to get a few things mixed up with the order-even though we had been in basically the same alphabetical order for years and years :) I couldn't help but take a moment to just reflect. With three older siblings before me and a Dad that spent close to 30 years teaching and coaching here- I knew that I was to be the last Anhder kid to roam the halls of PVHS. Of some great magnitude that deep thought was :)

The ceremony was great I'm sure :) I don't really remember much from it just because I was so incredibly excited for the great partying that would happen after everything was said and done there.

"I present to you the Pahranagat Valley High School Class of 2005!"
and we tossed our caps into the air while Green Day's "Time of your Life" blared from the speakers.

That was it. It was done.

About a skillion pictures and a million hugs later- we finally found ourselves at Grad Night. We all packed our cars up with many many gifts and prizes from the last few hours.

So here I was - in the wee hours of the morning...still with all of my classmates.....cleaning up the football field from all of the nights festivities. Thinking to myself...besides the fact that I was way way tired... :) This was the last time I'd see some of these people. Being together for most of our lives---how does one pick up and move on. The only people besides your family that had seen you at your best and at your worst. The people who had also been a constant in your life. The people who you would argue with til you were blue in the face but in a heartbeat-you'd also defend them til you were blue in the face. You'd wanna kill em-but you'd also kill for them.

You find only a few friendships like that in life.

Now almost 6 years later- we've now got under our belts a few marriages and babies- some jumpstarted careers-even a few LDS missions served- I'd say we've all hit the ground running since that day of May 27, 2005.

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Family on the Block

The other day I noticed that I all of sudden had new neighbors. They just moved in right out of the blue when I wasn't lookin.

Isn't it just the cutest lookin family you've ever seen?

Gosh I love Spring!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Another Lesson Relearned-- Things work out once again...go figure :)

Did I really just have a moment of small doubt?

Unfortunately yes. Here's the story....

Spare funds have been kind of hard to come by these past few months. With seemingly a million different directions that a single paycheck ends up going-- I indeed found myself rationalizing that maybe I should hold off paying tithing for just a bit so that I might be able to catch up.

Oh yeah--- I seriously let myself go there! LAME ANSWER!

Well- with one small paycheck in hand, nearly empty cupboards, and a fairly depleated bank account- I seriously almost let myself do it again. But it hit me that I really just needed to go ahead and pay my tithing as well as catch up on the tithing that was still owed for about the last 3 paychecks. So before I can even think twice- I go ahead depositing the paycheck and writing up a check for tithing. I immediately feel 100% better after handing it over to the bishop that Sunday.

But as life sometimes is- Up and Down- Monday came and I saw that the check had cleared and what it had left me to live on for the next two weeks--lets just say that nasty DOUBT snuck in and I had no idea how it could possibly work out.

I've found myself on my knees quite a lot this past week.

Anyway-today after getting home for the day I stopped at my mailbox to get the mail that had been piling up since I'd last picked it up on Monday. I bring it into the house and start mulling through it. The envelope at the very bottom at the pile--

From the United States Dept. of the Treasury.

And inside that small envelope was the Tax Refund check that had finally made it.

Written out for not only enough to catch up -but more than enough to have plenty of left over and stay ahead.

Not only had it come when I needed it the most- but also about a month before the estimated arrival time.

Sent in the mail on Monday- and since it literally was at the bottom of the pile, I reckon it had probably arrived on Tuesday.

I fell to the floor and began to do some serious sobbing. Make that the Happy/Ugly Crying. :)

There have been a few times in the years since receiving my Patriarchal Blessing- that a simple line or phrase has come running through my mind with such extreme swiftness and recognition. When the Holy Ghost and Comforter swoops right in and speaks of the truths that are so familiar to your own spirit- and the world doesn't feel quite so big. And this was one of them.

I am so very grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who -as it turns out- isn't really so far away after all. There are so many blessings that he is waiting to give to us-we need only ask and TRUST that he will indeed give them to us.

I have a feeling that in my prayers tonight- there will be some good conversation going on, full of extreme Humility and extreme Gratefulness. And for the first time in a while- I will be able to sleep peacefully.

You'd think by now I would have all these lessons learned and down. I guess I like being reminded sometimes....go figure :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

NosTaLgic WeDNesDaY!! The dress that has been there and back....to and from.....back and forth....again and again.....

So you know that ONE article of clothing that you just can't seem to let go of. The one that has so many memories attached to it. Or the one that you KNOW you're gonna fit into again one day. No matter where you may move to or what not---it always goes with you.
Cause ya just can't possibly give it up. You might need it again one of these days. Or for some crazy -it might come back into style again....


This dress- I kid you not-has quite possibly filled this "void/need to keep" for me...along with a few other dresses. But here's the story for this one.

This was the dress that I wore to my Sister's wedding. Apparently- I got to be the only other person wearing something "formal-ish" to a very "not so formal" wedding. Oops!

This was the dress that I wore to my Junior Prom. With the "Perm-For-A-Day" hair...yes...Perm For A Day. This was also the dress that I happened to be wearing when I got voted to 1st attendant to the Prom Queen-- Oh-and the fella that happened to be voted 1st attendant to the Prom King---yeah, I'd been crushing on him pretty hard since oh-FOREVER hahaha C: Needless to say- yes there is a picture of this "bad-ish" decision in every single 2004 PVHS yearbook. It's definitely one of those pictures that I can look at now -just laugh til I cry and wonder-Who really let me leave the house???....Mom.... C;hahaha

This was the dress that I wore to a Halloween party---really no idea what I went as---but there you have it...no idea who this guy was either ???

Ready to see it??

Funny enough I found the same dress still on sale on the website that it was bought from.

See! Some things don't ever go out of style C:

And "unfortunately" I just wasn't able to find a picture from the Prom. Darn. C; No but really- I really couldn't find one....not a one.

For real.

I really have my doubts that this dress will make it from my grasp anytime soon...never mind that I haven't worn it in YEARS. Totally beside the point. C: