Wednesday, May 4, 2011

NosTaLgic WeDNesDaY!! The dress that has been there and and from.....back and forth....again and again.....

So you know that ONE article of clothing that you just can't seem to let go of. The one that has so many memories attached to it. Or the one that you KNOW you're gonna fit into again one day. No matter where you may move to or what not---it always goes with you.
Cause ya just can't possibly give it up. You might need it again one of these days. Or for some crazy -it might come back into style again....


This dress- I kid you not-has quite possibly filled this "void/need to keep" for me...along with a few other dresses. But here's the story for this one.

This was the dress that I wore to my Sister's wedding. Apparently- I got to be the only other person wearing something "formal-ish" to a very "not so formal" wedding. Oops!

This was the dress that I wore to my Junior Prom. With the "Perm-For-A-Day" hair...yes...Perm For A Day. This was also the dress that I happened to be wearing when I got voted to 1st attendant to the Prom Queen-- Oh-and the fella that happened to be voted 1st attendant to the Prom King---yeah, I'd been crushing on him pretty hard since oh-FOREVER hahaha C: Needless to say- yes there is a picture of this "bad-ish" decision in every single 2004 PVHS yearbook. It's definitely one of those pictures that I can look at now -just laugh til I cry and wonder-Who really let me leave the house???....Mom.... C;hahaha

This was the dress that I wore to a Halloween party---really no idea what I went as---but there you have idea who this guy was either ???

Ready to see it??

Funny enough I found the same dress still on sale on the website that it was bought from.

See! Some things don't ever go out of style C:

And "unfortunately" I just wasn't able to find a picture from the Prom. Darn. C; No but really- I really couldn't find one....not a one.

For real.

I really have my doubts that this dress will make it from my grasp anytime soon...never mind that I haven't worn it in YEARS. Totally beside the point. C:


  1. hey don't be blaming me for any of it....I don't even remember this dress and you anyway you look beautiful anyway so there.

  2. hahaha! You really are the best mom EVER!!! C: Hahahaha! I'm sure that I thought I looked great for my Junior Prom at the time. I guess just with the passing of time--"regret-ish" can sometimes sneak in there C:
