Friday, May 13, 2011

Another Lesson Relearned-- Things work out once again...go figure :)

Did I really just have a moment of small doubt?

Unfortunately yes. Here's the story....

Spare funds have been kind of hard to come by these past few months. With seemingly a million different directions that a single paycheck ends up going-- I indeed found myself rationalizing that maybe I should hold off paying tithing for just a bit so that I might be able to catch up.

Oh yeah--- I seriously let myself go there! LAME ANSWER!

Well- with one small paycheck in hand, nearly empty cupboards, and a fairly depleated bank account- I seriously almost let myself do it again. But it hit me that I really just needed to go ahead and pay my tithing as well as catch up on the tithing that was still owed for about the last 3 paychecks. So before I can even think twice- I go ahead depositing the paycheck and writing up a check for tithing. I immediately feel 100% better after handing it over to the bishop that Sunday.

But as life sometimes is- Up and Down- Monday came and I saw that the check had cleared and what it had left me to live on for the next two weeks--lets just say that nasty DOUBT snuck in and I had no idea how it could possibly work out.

I've found myself on my knees quite a lot this past week.

Anyway-today after getting home for the day I stopped at my mailbox to get the mail that had been piling up since I'd last picked it up on Monday. I bring it into the house and start mulling through it. The envelope at the very bottom at the pile--

From the United States Dept. of the Treasury.

And inside that small envelope was the Tax Refund check that had finally made it.

Written out for not only enough to catch up -but more than enough to have plenty of left over and stay ahead.

Not only had it come when I needed it the most- but also about a month before the estimated arrival time.

Sent in the mail on Monday- and since it literally was at the bottom of the pile, I reckon it had probably arrived on Tuesday.

I fell to the floor and began to do some serious sobbing. Make that the Happy/Ugly Crying. :)

There have been a few times in the years since receiving my Patriarchal Blessing- that a simple line or phrase has come running through my mind with such extreme swiftness and recognition. When the Holy Ghost and Comforter swoops right in and speaks of the truths that are so familiar to your own spirit- and the world doesn't feel quite so big. And this was one of them.

I am so very grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who -as it turns out- isn't really so far away after all. There are so many blessings that he is waiting to give to us-we need only ask and TRUST that he will indeed give them to us.

I have a feeling that in my prayers tonight- there will be some good conversation going on, full of extreme Humility and extreme Gratefulness. And for the first time in a while- I will be able to sleep peacefully.

You'd think by now I would have all these lessons learned and down. I guess I like being reminded sometimes....go figure :)


  1. this made me tear up a bit babe. You are such a wonderful daughter of God and I thank you for sharing this, just what I needed to hear today.

  2. what is will never regret doing what the Lord has asked you to do. HUGS 8-)
