Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lesson ReLearned....what? Already?!? Really?

I know right- I can usually go a bit longer without forcibly relearning something. But here's two in the same month.

Watch Me Go! :D

Okay in all honestly I really do ReLearn all this stuff practically everyday--but it's not too terribly often that it hits straight out of the park and I've just got to shout it from the hills as quickly as possible.

hahaha! could not resist :)

So here's the lesson of the day.

Crap happens-but it's usually for our good. And hopefully-it's never as bad as it really seems. Ya just gotta grin and bare it and hope that ya learn something quickly so it can be over with. :)

Luckily- nothing totally and completely terrible has happened so no worries there. Just a few little holes in the road that are kind of starting to add up to be one heck of a bumpy ride.

I know that everything will indeed work out- and that hopefully soon everything will be good and happy again. And I'll just be able to look back at this and say "Eh- that was a peice of cake."
does anybody else really wanna have a peice of this right now?

If we can just look at some of our trials from outside of ourselves- they won't seem like such a big deal. If we can just try not to think of ourselves as the victim and take a more proactive stand to the situation-there's no stopping us.

"How bad is this situation and what can I do to make it better?"

"There's gotta be a light at the end of the tunnel through the mountain--even if it feels more like a mineshaft straight down to the earths core."

"This stuff that I'm going through- there's gotta be thousands of people who have it worse than me."

And keeping in mind all of the good things in life. Loving Family and Friends. Perhaps a few luxuries that are not as easy to come by for other people. Knowing with a surity that the Lord knows what's going on...even if we don't know 100%...the comfort of knowing that someone else does is a great marvelous thing. Knowing that we've done everything in our power to make the situation better is also one of the only comforts that can be had. Leaving everything out on the table and being able to walk away knowing that there was not a single thing else that we could have done.

Things happen for a reason- and we can become better for it -- take it as a 'learnin' instead of a 'hurtin' -and just have to hope that we can come out of it relatively unscathed. :)

As the sayin goes "If you're goin through Hell-keep on goin. Don't slow down-if you're scared don't show it. Keep on movin and face that fire-walk right through it. Ya might get out 'fore the devil even knows you're there."

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Here let me help you feel a little better about your life lol We were told today by our landlord that we need to be out by the 23rd and we have no idea when we can get our paper work started on the house we are buying! We haven't even given our 30 days notice either. Luckily because of that he can't kick us out but still we are going to have to fight this and be stressed all the while. Pray for us! We will certainly pray for you too! Luv ya!
