Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nostalgic Wednesday!!

Boy- I've been in an extreme state lately. I honestly think that it's because of the weather and time of year. ??? Back home- about now -- It's starting to get warmer. Things are starting to turn green. And you can start doing things outside again. So I think that because it's sorta starting to get that kind of nice outside- I'm starting to reminisce about longer days and simpler times.

So here ya go. This chick right here.
My neice Alyssa.

This gal was the first grandkid on both sides and was the only one for about three years. So she was totally our ginea-pig C: . Many Many fun times I've had with this girl...who grew up more like a little sister rather than a neice to me. She's always been slightly at my heels. With her about to graduate from high school...good grief... I guess I've all of sudden realized how time has seriously flown by. Soon she and I will be kind of in the same time of life. There ain't no way she's about to become a young adult- no way we've both gotten there.
I seems like just yesterday- she and I were jamming out to NSYNC....hahaha! K-that was actually just last week C: when this whole nostalgia stuff started. It was great that both of us still remembered every single word to every single song...meanwhile Emily was sitting in the backseat trying to look like she didn't know us. C: She barely missed the NSYNC/Backstreet Boys train.

I remember when Alyssa would come and spend the night at our house every Friday when she was around 3 years old and they lived in Las Vegas. We'd play and stay up late on Friday- be on each others nerves by Saturday afternoon- but then crying as we had to say goodbye when she went home. Even though we'd most likely see each other within the next few days...and the cycle would repeat. C:

For some reason that we still don't know--she would call me Tia instead of Katie.

When she got older and the family moved to Utah- she would get to come out to the ranch for a few weeks during the summer. You can bet- we played hard! We'd go swimming at "Secret Place" every day. Running through the sprinklers playing our made up games. Trips up to R Place for drinks and ice cream. Sleeping outside on the trampoline...K-let's be honest-there'd never be any kind of sleeping being done on that trampoline...We'd usually get scared from the night time noises after 10 minutes and we were back inside the house in 2 seconds flat.

We did it all!

Since she's grown up a bit- one memory that is fresh in my mind- her Grandpa Anhder taking her out to learn how to drive - they'd go up and down Richardville Road for about a good solid hour in my moms Cruiser.

Looking back- it's been such a fun time getting to where we are now and I so look forward to some more good times. She's become such a wonderful young women with an awesome future in whatever she chooses to do. The sky's the limit!! I'm so completely proud of the person that she's become and who she chooses to be. I just love her to death!! C:

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