Monday, January 31, 2011

Forgot about Birthday Week (4)

So----my birthday was this past week. Nuf said right?


So I was good pretty much the whole week -knowing that I was probably gonna blow it on my birthday. I worked-out every single day for about a combined hour. I ate what I was supposed to...even with the delicious looking chocolate chip cookies that my bishop brought over during his visit... Drank gallons and gallons of water etc...

Here comes Thursday... THE DAY!

And boy was it great!! I had Denny's, Olive Garden, cake, soda, you name it- and boy was it great!!! Thanks Regina!!!! C:

So then the next day- I've still got all of these left over's from the restraunts that we hit...gotta get rid of those----so I ate them on Friday. And went to the movies with Brandee where we both got some good lookin nachos C: That makes two BLOWIT days. So I workout like a horse so it doesn't have too much of a chance to hit hard.

Saturday - I "kinda" jumped right back on after a quick little lunch trip to the Pizza Factory with my sister. C:

Sunday was a lot easier because I actually had to go to work for most of the day. So I decided to jump on the scale this morning and......

WHAT?!?! I actually lost 2 pounds!!! C: YAY!!!

Shoot I would have been happy just to not gain anything---but to loose??? That's a complete and utter miracle right there. C:

So what I learned this week is-- You can be allowed to "BLOWIT" but gotta keep up a pace. If I go out to eat - I don't gotta eat the whole thing then and there. I'm allowed to have the things that I like--but not all the time. I can make due with every once in a while. C:

I'd like to just give a Thanks! shout out to all of my good friends and family who really made this past week such an incredibly fun week for me!! Birthdays freaking ROCK!!! Thanks everybody!!! C: LOVE YOU!!


  1. YAY 2 pounds is awesome, you are doing SO good! HAppy birhtday again and glad to get in a movie with ya :) So now lets talk about ladies night, I say we do something active and then get some sort of healthy dessert. Let me know k!

  2. Absolutely! That's seriously sounds like such a fun idea. We'll kinda brainstorm and come up with some ideas that are cheap and easy. I totally have Zumba now so if you guys wanna get together we could totally do some fun fun like that ? :) There's gotta be tons of stuff that we can do though- we just gotta think :)

  3. I am Glad that you had fun and yay for you and those two pounds gone that is awesome!!!

  4. Regina You Frickin Rock!! I love you!! I'm gonna go check out your blog to see how you are doin C;
